Spring 1 2022
In maths this half term, we have been focussing on shape, angles and written calculations.
A huge well done to everyone who took part in the SumDog competition at the end of the half term.
Prime VR day
As part of our ACE curriculum, the children had the opportunity to visit Antarctica and the Arctic using virtual reality headsets. This supported their work on our topic of extreme climates as the children were able to see the biomes we have been learning about up close.
In art, we have been creating prints inspired by Hokusai’s The Great Wave of Kanagawa. Below are some examples of the prints the children have created.
We been working hard writing disaster stories in our English lessons. We used the book ‘Flood’ to inspire us in our writing. We have displayed some of our fantastic work in the corridors at school for everyone to see.
Safer internet day
As a year group we explored how to keep our identities safe online. We created a video to show other children how best to do this when they are online at school and at home. Click the link below to watch our video.
We have been so impressed with all the hard work the children have put into every aspect of our ACE curriculum this half term. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back after their break and starting our new